Thursday 8 December 2016

Task 3. Evaluation of TV advert and poster


Discussing the process i have been through

I went through the process of researching and idea generating for both still and moving advertisement before i came to my final design as shown I'm my other blogs. The process has been effective as i have learnt many new skills from sound through to the Photoshop software of transposition of images to the final poster. The final poster compares to the ideas in a positive way some ideas where kept that were relevant and that could work other ideas that didn't work or couldn't be accomplished where taken away from the final idea of the video and poster advertisement.

I thought this poster and advert hit there target audience while also being interesting for the targeted audience...also learning the many key points that help with advertisement if i was to do it again in the future with more time and innovation i would change the different design look more at what i didn't do see if any ideas could be completed with more time to make a more interesting advertisement for both poster and advert. It has made me realise how much easier advertising can be with the more background information and research you do about your targeted audience in the way of primary and secondary research... Questionnaires to physical trial and improvements.


Never waste any free vacation. Relevant or not. Don't wast free time. Go out and learn anything that could benefit the project both in and outside college. This process is what I'd improve if was to do it again/amelioration.

Task 3. Final Creative Industries Poster.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Billboard Photoshop work

Billboard Design Research

The billboard advert is selling (promoting) a fitness centre and the service they provide. The target audience is anyone that wants to lose weight...The billboard sells this service well by showing the man is weighing down the sign to attract peoples attention. no graphics are used in the billboard above. The imagery however is used effectively used through the use of typography saying they're there to help people that want to lose wait no matter the size of the person.

However in this billboard they are using a women that has been photoshopped. The billboard is using the women as a mermaid to advertise the aquarium. This particular billboard is target at a mature/ adult audience as they are using a young women as a icon for people to go to the Aquarium. They don't use comic sands or any other fonts on billboard posters like this as they often are aimed for impact.

Fonts such as impact are used instead of more comical fonts that are hard to read from a long distance  because being realistic they only get a maximum of 2 mins place when people pass them by.


 billboard (also called a hoarding in the UK and many other parts of the world) is a large outdoor advertising structure (a billing board), typically found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers.

My Billboard Design 

Starting the development of my own Billboard design. I have chosen a plain blank Billboard template to transpose my design onto the image. 
Using word template layer to write my message on to the Billboard along with the Adobe illustrator's image of the North Notts College logo. Font that is being used is impact showing a more stand out effective font on the Billboard. I also used the splat paint to add a more artistic view on the Billboard.

  Levels tool Photoshop

Levels is a tool in Photoshop and other image editing programs which can move and stretch the brightness levels of an image histogram. It has the power to adjust brightness, contrast, and tonal range by specifying the location of complete black, complete white, and midtones in a histogram.

My next editing skill that I used was to mess about with the levels of brightness and look at the light exposure of the image so I could edit it to my personal preference on what I thought was appropriate and looked the most refined (sharp).

Transposing the paint brush onto the Billboard was next step in designing the Billboard. This allowed for a clear sharp image that directed a powerful meaning of the creative industry linking to North Notts College.    

Photoshop Rasterization

Rasterizing a Photoshop layer converts a vector layer to pixels. Vector layers create graphics using lines and curves so they maintain their clarity when you enlarge them, but this format leaves them unsuitable for artistic effects that use pixels.

 Bus stop Advertisement Design

Linking both Poster and Billboard Creative Designs we went out of College to take pictures of the bus stop. To bring back to college where we would then copy a similar design that has resemblance to our previous Billboard and Poster designs and create a bus stop advertisement. This would be our final design work on advertisement for the creative industry. While using still creative print as means of advertisement.     

Original Design that is copied on to the bus stop advertisement. Simple skills where used here as copy and paste the layer from the Billboard and then Transform and Scale the layer and text to an appropriate proportion holding shift preventing skewing the image such as the text, paintbrush and College logo.  

Photoshop:- Window, Character and Swatches palette allows for a change in colour to show the design of the bus stop advertisement with more contrast to mark out what design has the best impact on the targeted audience. The Typography is meant to be aimed at college students using an impact style instead of being alternitive .

Monday 7 November 2016

Project 2 - Task 2 Research different types of advertising for different audiences.

Product Advertisement Research 

Idea Generating from real life Products 

Gears of War 4
Microsoft has released a new video for Gears of War 4, its anticipated shooter that comes out on October 11 for the Xbox One. We haven’t seen much of Gears of War 4 since Microsoft revealed it during the Electronic Entertainment Expo last summer. The franchise is one of Microsoft’s most important exclusive series, selling over 22 million copies.

The trailer serves as a way to connect the new game with its predecessors by showing Marcus Fenix, the hero of the first three Gears of War, planting a tree with his young son JD while flashing forward to an older JD running from monsters. This all happens with a moody version of “The Sounds of Silence” by disturbed plays in the background this shows a marketing area of the game where the have incorporated a song that is popular at the moment.

The reason the developer The Coalition have decided to to launch a trailer with the the new gears of war game is so it can give a preview of what it to be expected (standards that the game has to meet/deliver on). 

Target Audience 

The target Audience for the new Gears of War 4 franchise is of the mature audience as the game is rated 18 and the main themes are blood gore and violence with strong language.

Posters:-(Physical Advertisement)

The main image/brand that is linked in with the Gears of War franchise is the deaths skull that is found in the official poster above.

Toy Story


 Younger children have different understandings of advertisements they see on TV, in comparison to older children. All children can be influenced and persuaded by the advertisements they see. A younger child is influenced by what they see and do not have as much understanding of the message behind the advertisement. They are more trusting and believe that the product shown in the advertisement will be exactly how it is show on TV if they were to buy it. Older children are better able to understand the meaning behind advertisements and can recognise certain aspects of the advertisement, which influence their purchase decisions. They can acknowledge that things aren’t exactly as they are depicted in the advertisement, so their expectations, if they were to buy what is being advertised, are more realistic.

 Advertisements reach out to children, who then tell their parents what it is they want, and with repeat viewing they continue to remind their parents. This is called pester power, which means that children pester their parents to buy things for them that they desire. such as the newest Toy story action figure.

 Media Advertisement key points from Research 

 Firstly, all media messages are constructed, this means that messages show what they want people to see, and exclude certain things to convey ideas the way they want people to receive them. Secondly, media message are constructed using a creative language meaning media messages use their generic own technical and cultural ways to enhance the message and connect with their audience. Thirdly, different members of the audience interpret media messages differently, this means that not all people interpret messages the way they were intended, some people take it at face value, while others question the message and meaning of the advert. Fourth,  media messages contain embedded value and points of view, they contain direct massages that are easily identified, as well as indirect messages that are not so noticeable to the audience.


Understanding your target audience is an ongoing task in advertisement. People are always becoming interested in different topics and looking for new things – but you can be more successful and achieve more simply by understanding them. Keeping with up them, enables you to define your value proposition.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Task 2. Development ideas for poster

Creative poster Ideas

  For obvious reasons, the main benefit of advertising using posters is their instant visibility. Nothing can survive by being invisible to its target audience. The more that a poster is seen, the more your advertisement becomes indelibly etched in the memories of your potential targeted audience. Posters can be spotted from a distance, which is especially important  in areas where you want maximum exposure for your advertisement but face the risk of your advertising being overlooked if its too small.    

Why Not an advert

The simple reason for a poster and an advert is so that the target audience can differentiate between both still and moving advertisement. Poster message is meant to be clear and simple, posters are meant to use both art design and media in both sections of Creative industry there I should try to hit both sections of the Creative industry. 

Saturday 5 November 2016

Task 2 Development ideas for TV advert

Idea Generating for TV advertisment 

For our TV advertisement we had a group discussion (Tristan, Shona, Me and Lucy) on what object we wanted to advertise out of the range of objects. Out of the group of objects we had decided to chose the glasses.

The project has to involve a product of our choice that we have to base a (serious or comical) Advert (TV-comerical) around set for a targeted audience.

Our first idea was to have a serious Christmas theme with the intention of adding different film shots many different people wearing the glasses doing different jobs.

Looking at the glasses to be a new style of VR (Virtual Reality) is also an option. This way we could have more fun in the editing process.

Looking at the beats advertisement they don't show the pricing of the product in there video only focusing on the product however the link to Pinocchio has no resemblance to the beats headphone product. The use of sound in the advert is there to grad attention and add the to the atmospheric immersion as is quickly switches between famous icons and the pace and beat of the music gradually increases in pace getting faster and faster.

We decided to chose the VR (Virtual Reality) glasses idea using this music video as our base for the transitions between me and the other reality. Now that we know that we don't have to have a TV advertisement in a serious format. When planning Shona came up with the contribution of having the video fade in and out of VR (Virtual Reality). This was a great idea and the idea that we stuck with for our final video advertisement.