Thursday 8 December 2016

Task 3. Evaluation of TV advert and poster


Discussing the process i have been through

I went through the process of researching and idea generating for both still and moving advertisement before i came to my final design as shown I'm my other blogs. The process has been effective as i have learnt many new skills from sound through to the Photoshop software of transposition of images to the final poster. The final poster compares to the ideas in a positive way some ideas where kept that were relevant and that could work other ideas that didn't work or couldn't be accomplished where taken away from the final idea of the video and poster advertisement.

I thought this poster and advert hit there target audience while also being interesting for the targeted audience...also learning the many key points that help with advertisement if i was to do it again in the future with more time and innovation i would change the different design look more at what i didn't do see if any ideas could be completed with more time to make a more interesting advertisement for both poster and advert. It has made me realise how much easier advertising can be with the more background information and research you do about your targeted audience in the way of primary and secondary research... Questionnaires to physical trial and improvements.


Never waste any free vacation. Relevant or not. Don't wast free time. Go out and learn anything that could benefit the project both in and outside college. This process is what I'd improve if was to do it again/amelioration.

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