Monday 7 November 2016

Project 2 - Task 2 Research different types of advertising for different audiences.

Product Advertisement Research 

Idea Generating from real life Products 

Gears of War 4
Microsoft has released a new video for Gears of War 4, its anticipated shooter that comes out on October 11 for the Xbox One. We haven’t seen much of Gears of War 4 since Microsoft revealed it during the Electronic Entertainment Expo last summer. The franchise is one of Microsoft’s most important exclusive series, selling over 22 million copies.

The trailer serves as a way to connect the new game with its predecessors by showing Marcus Fenix, the hero of the first three Gears of War, planting a tree with his young son JD while flashing forward to an older JD running from monsters. This all happens with a moody version of “The Sounds of Silence” by disturbed plays in the background this shows a marketing area of the game where the have incorporated a song that is popular at the moment.

The reason the developer The Coalition have decided to to launch a trailer with the the new gears of war game is so it can give a preview of what it to be expected (standards that the game has to meet/deliver on). 

Target Audience 

The target Audience for the new Gears of War 4 franchise is of the mature audience as the game is rated 18 and the main themes are blood gore and violence with strong language.

Posters:-(Physical Advertisement)

The main image/brand that is linked in with the Gears of War franchise is the deaths skull that is found in the official poster above.

Toy Story


 Younger children have different understandings of advertisements they see on TV, in comparison to older children. All children can be influenced and persuaded by the advertisements they see. A younger child is influenced by what they see and do not have as much understanding of the message behind the advertisement. They are more trusting and believe that the product shown in the advertisement will be exactly how it is show on TV if they were to buy it. Older children are better able to understand the meaning behind advertisements and can recognise certain aspects of the advertisement, which influence their purchase decisions. They can acknowledge that things aren’t exactly as they are depicted in the advertisement, so their expectations, if they were to buy what is being advertised, are more realistic.

 Advertisements reach out to children, who then tell their parents what it is they want, and with repeat viewing they continue to remind their parents. This is called pester power, which means that children pester their parents to buy things for them that they desire. such as the newest Toy story action figure.

 Media Advertisement key points from Research 

 Firstly, all media messages are constructed, this means that messages show what they want people to see, and exclude certain things to convey ideas the way they want people to receive them. Secondly, media message are constructed using a creative language meaning media messages use their generic own technical and cultural ways to enhance the message and connect with their audience. Thirdly, different members of the audience interpret media messages differently, this means that not all people interpret messages the way they were intended, some people take it at face value, while others question the message and meaning of the advert. Fourth,  media messages contain embedded value and points of view, they contain direct massages that are easily identified, as well as indirect messages that are not so noticeable to the audience.


Understanding your target audience is an ongoing task in advertisement. People are always becoming interested in different topics and looking for new things – but you can be more successful and achieve more simply by understanding them. Keeping with up them, enables you to define your value proposition.

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