Saturday 5 November 2016

Task 2 Development ideas for TV advert

Idea Generating for TV advertisment 

For our TV advertisement we had a group discussion (Tristan, Shona, Me and Lucy) on what object we wanted to advertise out of the range of objects. Out of the group of objects we had decided to chose the glasses.

The project has to involve a product of our choice that we have to base a (serious or comical) Advert (TV-comerical) around set for a targeted audience.

Our first idea was to have a serious Christmas theme with the intention of adding different film shots many different people wearing the glasses doing different jobs.

Looking at the glasses to be a new style of VR (Virtual Reality) is also an option. This way we could have more fun in the editing process.

Looking at the beats advertisement they don't show the pricing of the product in there video only focusing on the product however the link to Pinocchio has no resemblance to the beats headphone product. The use of sound in the advert is there to grad attention and add the to the atmospheric immersion as is quickly switches between famous icons and the pace and beat of the music gradually increases in pace getting faster and faster.

We decided to chose the VR (Virtual Reality) glasses idea using this music video as our base for the transitions between me and the other reality. Now that we know that we don't have to have a TV advertisement in a serious format. When planning Shona came up with the contribution of having the video fade in and out of VR (Virtual Reality). This was a great idea and the idea that we stuck with for our final video advertisement.

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