Friday 4 November 2016

Task 1. Experimentation with Adobe Premiere and camera equipment

Adobe Premiere Pro

Experimentation of sound (Exported interview)

Sound in Advertising + experimentation work using sound

The purpose of looking at sound in recording is to understand it's purpose and how it used to effect the atmospheric meaning of a video. It is also proven that sound can capture your audience but how sound is captured and used in an advert can change the effect thats caused (Distortion and acoustic).

Boom microphone is powered through the camera through setting it mic. Using female and Male ends.

Then there is another device used for recording the interviews that captures a more clear pitch and crisp sound without the use of a Boom microphone. The components split up into to different sound recording devices a sender and a receiver. Important that both must be set on the same frequency for the sound actually be recorded.

Skills That I have learnt through the Interview

Sound is the main skill that i have learnt through the practical of the setting up of a Boom microphone and the setting up of a sender and a receiver for sound recording. 

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