Thursday 3 November 2016

Photoshop Exsperimentation Task 1

Thursday 3rd November

In my Project 2 - Task 1

I have been learning about Photoshop an how Photoshop is used in the Creative industry. This consisted of learning the basics of how Photoshop is used.

Firstly we learned about what the software Photoshop is used for in the working Creative industry. It is used for image manipulation which most professionals consider to be the leader in the industry. This process consisted of looking at what other people had done using the software.

After some research into how Photoshop is used through the industary we started an experimental process of our own. To start to understand how you can use Photoshop and the use skills and techniques that the program allows us to use (Image manipulation) the first technique that we looked at was called image transposition. This is how you can transpose yourself into a image.


We used practical experiments such as taking photos on a camera using micro setting. These images would consist of surrounding objects of interest around the campus and getting Extreme Close ups of these images.  

 After selecting a background image that we were happy with we would use this as our main image that we would transpose ourselves into. Selecting the pen tool from the tool bar we cut around ourselves in the other image and created an outline around ourselves so this would mark the transition lines for what we wanted to crop out of our current image...After the process of outlining had been finished we move on to copy and paste.However firstly we had to make it a layer and cover it to a smart object after that process was finished and the layer line had a foundation we were able to transpose our self into the image. To do this step it was found in Edit, Transform and paste. From here we could edit scale colour tone....

After the transposition into the image was complete we then moved on to learn other skills such as colour density in the photos. Making the photo interesting was fun using vibrance, Hue/saturation HDR toning. Allowing the change between Relative and Absolute. These where the end outcome of the image.

What skills have i been developing?

Skills that I have been developing involve learning basic Photoshop skills and how to use the software. Camera involvement includes learning how to use macro image transition. In the current week we have learnt recording sound using boom mike and a sender and receiver. Acoustic and Phonic sound environments to change and distort how sound might sound. These need setting up function how they can be monitored all of which were ticked off on a easement sheet.

Looking at Photoshop and It's role in Creative Inudstary

Photoshop is used in the media for many different purposes... 

  • Advertising and marketing.
  • Architecture.
  • Crafts.
  • Design: product, graphic and fashion design.
  • film, TV, video, radio and photography.
  • IT, software and computer services.
  • Publishing.
  • Museums, galleries and libraries.   

Sound in Advertising

The purpose of looking at sound in recording is to understand it's purpose and how it used to effect the atmospheric meaning of a video. It is also proven that sound can capture your audience but how sound is captured and used in an advert can change the effect thats caused (Distortion and acoustic).

There are two main sound recording devices that we have learn't about and how to use the Boom 

My Task is to create a poster advertising the economical and finical Benefits that the UK's creative Industry brings. 

Learning how to transpose photos that i have taken in PhotoShop will allow for a crisp image and is a useful skill that I can use in the final making of my poster for the Creative industries...

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